An Unattractive Vampire is the tale of a centuries-old vampire named Yulric Bile, who is awakened after being trapped underground (in a house) for three-hundred years. He finds that the world has chan...
Author Sean Hughes has created a charming storybook based on Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead 2 called The Littlest Deadite. To say that the illustrations are exceptional would be an underst...
There is often more to a beloved icon than meets the eye. In his 2011 autobiography, Unmasked: The True Life Story of the World’s Most Prolific Cinematic Killer, stuntman and actor Kane Hod...
Sometimes it’s nice to reflect on books we enjoyed as kids or teenagers. For me, that often means looking back over a list of books that my mother would never have allowed me to read had she re...
It’s sometimes difficult for parents who are horror fans to share that love with their children. Kids can be notoriously afraid of everything, so choosing books that you can enjoy together ...
Most horror movies are based on something, whether it be books, comics, video games or—most commonly, these days—other films. Almost everything is an adaptation. Pop culture is recycled ...
The Halloween season is just around the corner, and most horror fans will probably be revisiting their favorite films to celebrate. But why not change things up this year and delve into the mind of au...
X-Files Archives Volume 1: Whirlwind and Ruins is a compilation of two previously released, stand-alone novels by prominent science fiction writers. IDW Publishing released this volume this week,...
Something at the Window is Scratching Vol. 1 (SATWIS) by Roman Dirge is the full color re-release of a book by the same name released by SlaveLabor Graphics in 1998. The poems were written b...