Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...
William March’s novel The Bad Seed was published in 1954 and adapted for the stage later that year. The book was nominated for a National Book Award in 1955 and in 1956 Mervyn LeRoy directed a ...
Puppet Master has always been an FX heavy franchise. So much of the success of the early movies lay in David Allen’s stunning stop motion work. Over time, as budgets dwindled, it became a matte...
Creature feature fans will know that, more often than not, the promise of a brand new film to drool over is tinged with the anxiety of knowing it’s probably going to turn out to be a load of CGI...
Incident In A Ghostland‘s title card utilizes a font not seen since the National Treasure franchise. Its tagline, “True evil never dies,” and accompanying marketing material seem to ...
Braid, the debut feature from writer-director Mitzi Peirone, is a difficult film to describe. IMDb has a go, but somehow manages to confuse the issue further: Two wanted women decide to rob their weal...
Horror and punk rock should be better bedfellows. For whatever reason, metal tends to copulate with our beloved genre more often than its angrier, rougher cousin. Only Green Room (read our review) ...
Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich is now available on VOD and fans by and large seem to be loving it. The new reboot is a completely different, much harder-edged and even mean-spirited thing and fans ...
It’s finally August, which means the countdown to Frightfest 2018 is ON. In the weeks leading up to the festival, our intrepid reporter Joey Keogh will be taking a look at some of the most anti...