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Madness in the Method [Frightfest 2019 Spotlight]

The countdown to Frightfest 2019 is ON, with less than a month to go until the UK’s biggest and best horror festival takes over Leicester Square. In the weeks leading up to the festival, our in...

5 Horror Villains the Rock Needs to Fight

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson made his WWE debut in 1996 and flopped as Rocky Maivia. After a stint on the IR with a knee injury, he embraced his personality as part of the Nation of Dominat...

Two Sentence Horror Stories Cinematographer Guy Pooles Discusses the New CW Series

Ahead of the August 8th premiere, The CW just released a new promo for their horror series, Two Sentence Horror Stories. The show, which launched on CW Seed back in 2017, was created by Vera Miao and ...

Crawl [Frightfest 2019 Spotlight]

The countdown to Frightfest 2019 is ON, with less than a month to go until the UK’s biggest and best horror festival takes over Leicester Square. In the weeks leading up to the festival, our int...

Heather Donahue as herself in the closeup shot at the end of Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez's the Blair Witch Project

20 Years On, Still, Nothing Compares to The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project is 20 years old this week so, naturally, the “found” footage contained within has aged considerably. Rather than putting distance between the film and a modern audi...

Valorie Curry in Blair Witch

Blair Witch (2016) is the Blair Witch Project Sequel We Deserve. It’s Time To Appreciate It.

The Blair Witch Project turns 20 this month, which means it’s the ideal time to point out that Blair Witch is the perfect sequel. There, I said it. The 2016 film, from horror super-duo Adam Wing...

Not Quite Horror: Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)

Not Quite Horror is back from the dead. After resting for a bit in its kind-of creepy but still-normal-enough-to-pass-as-regular crypt, our biweekly series returns. In each installment, Joey Keogh wil...

white nationalism

Social Media, Christchurch, and White Nationalism

On March 15th, 2019 a lone gunman walked into two separate Islamic Mosques during Friday Prayer in Christchurch, New Zealand. He was arrested 21 minutes after the first emergency call, but in that sho...

The Stuff

The Stuff is Food Horror at its Finest [Retrospective]

Larry Cohen is a filmmaker who just does not get the credit he deserves. His pictures are all too often labeled as B-Movies. But while they may be campy, it’s a very intentional camp. He has a ...