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Horror soundtracks can make or break a movie, find out the scariest here.

Soundtrack Scares- Tunes Of Terror

For horror films, the soundtrack can turn a movie from slightly scary to god damn creepy. Many horror movies have done an excellent job at producing scores and soundtracks that are meant to scare the ...

jeff the killer

Jeff The Killer- Bedtime Scares

You’re looking into the face of one of the internet’s most disturbing legends; Jeff the Killer. There has been a number of speculation about who Jeff the Killer is, was, and what he did. T...

Samara Vs Chuck

If there’s one person you don’t want to receive a phone call from, it would be Samara Morgan from the 2002 The Ring movie directed by Gore Verbinski. The jagged-walking, water we...

Ape Loyalty- Bad Koba

Koba may have a reason to hate humans as we’ve seen previously and in the amazing new movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, but his loyalty to Caesar and the rest of the apes is questionable. Li...

The Strangers Vs The Collector

The Strangers; Sack mask, doll face and pin-up girl may think twice about wanting to play games if they knocked onto a home The Collector had taken residence in. I wouldn’t want to mess with eit...

Savage Streets

Savage Streets is a Brutal, Revenge-Fueled Exploitation Thriller

Brenda (Linda Blair) is the leader of an all girl gang called The Satins. When a rival, all male, gang rapes her sister and kills her best friend, she takes the law in to her own hands and sets out on...

Ill Manors- It Gets Cold In The City

[soliloquy id=”4492″] Written and directed by British music artist Plan B (Ben Drew), Ill Manors is a surprisingly well made film that depicts “Broken Britain”. While Drew does...

scary places you dont want to walk through at night including a cemetery.

Scary Places To Walk At Night- Dead Scared

There are places on this planet that make your skin crawl. Places that induce heavy breathing and paranoia, before anything has even happened. If you have ever walked through a cemetery at midnight th...

Lucas Pittaway plays Jamie Vlassakis

The Snowtown Murders is Dark, Gripping, and Harrowing

There’s skill behind Justin Kurzel’s execution of the true story events that took place in Southern Australia, and although two hours long, it’s a gripping movie throughout. The Snow...