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The popular Hatchet movies that star Kane Hodder as horror character Victor Crowley.

Voorhees Vs Crowley – Who Is The Deadliest Killer

  Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th, and Victor Crowley from Hatchet, are two of the horror’s genre’s most deadliest (literally) killers, but who really is the most deadly ...

Poster for house.

Editorial – Why House (1977) is an Under Appreciated Classic

[soliloquy id=”12435″] When the conversation shifts to mind-bending, logic defying, grindhouse classics, House (1977) is the first film I think of. It is a fever dream ...

Exclusive Interview with Sean Tiedeman on 30 Years of Garbage

A new IndieGoGo Project that has been getting a lot of buzz over the past few days is the 30 Years of Garbage documentary. As a general rule, we don’t cover Kickstarter or IndieGoGo c...


The Cent Vs The Voorhees – Dying To Be The Best

  Hip hop superstar Fifty Cent got shot nine times in his darker days and managed to survive. Jason Voorhess is the infamous fictional horror character from the hit Friday the 13th film who just ...

Poster for Don Mancini's Child's Play

Child’s Play Series Viewing Guide

[soliloquy id=”11986″] The Child’s Play franchise is unique in that every single film to date has had the same writer. While the original film wound up straying far from Don Mancini...

Danny Lloyd from the hit novel turned movie written by Stephen King and directed by Stanley Kubrick.

Who Doesn’t Love A Horror Movie…?

Settling down to watch a horror movie is one of my favorite things to do. If the person I am with doesn’t like horror films I am afraid they have to leave. And never come back. Jack Nichol...

How nervous to some guys get when their girl takes their phone?

When Your Girlfriend Takes Your Mobile Phone…

  I love seeing a guys face when you pick up his mobile phone for a sneak peak. They either freeze up or go mad like Jacky boy from The Shining. Got something to hide guys? WICKED RATING: 8/10&#x...

Epix. the movie friday the 13th 1980 directed by Sean S. Cunningham.

Remake Comparison: Friday The 13th

[soliloquy id=”11911″] Friday the 13th is tough to compare because the movies are not actually the same, in that they do not tell the same story. Instead of retelling the tale of psychotic...

Giallo films shaped the face of modern horror.

Editorial – How the Giallo Helped Shape the Face of the Modern Slasher

[soliloquy id=”11940″] I spent the entire weekend binging on some of my favorite Italian horror films and today felt inspired to put together a piece exploring the influence of the giallo ...