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Wicked Horror

New on Wicked Horror TV: January 9th, 2023

Welcome back to What’s New on WHTV! This weekly list will update you on everything that is coming to Wicked Horror’s streaming counterpart, Wicked Horror TV. If you’re not aware, ...

New on Netflix: January 6th, 2023

Welcome back to New on Netflix! This week we have our first list of the new year, featuring a mystery set in the 1800’s, zombies, a true crime documentary and a missing daughter. Happy viewing! ...

Aaron B. Koontz Is Confident Horror Fans Will Appreciate Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge [Interview]

Nobody expected Scare Package to be as much of a hit as it was – not least co-creator Aaron B. Koontz who, alongside collaborator Cameron Burns, re-energized the horror anthology in a time when...

Covering Ghosts of Fear Street with Mark Garro

High profile artist Mark Garro is known in the YA horror community for being one of the cover artists who worked on Ghosts of Fear Street. Alongside Broeck Steadman, John Youssi, Jim Ludtke, Happy Boy...

The Six Most Expensive Horror Movies of All Time [and Why They Cost So Much]

You have to spend money to make money. In Hollywood, this has been the requirement for the most financially successful movies of all time. The logic behind throwing a lot of money at a project is the ...

Books To Give You Christmas Fear

After writing about the Christmas-themed entries in the Fear Street franchise, and the Christmas-themed anthology in the Goosebumps franchise, I thought it was time to bring the spotlight to some othe...

The Ouija Board

A Brief and Shocking History of the Ouija Board

Death is one of life’s great mysteries, one that humanity has always sought to make sense of, since those that have departed cannot exactly come back and impart their knowledge of the afterlife...

Wicked Horror TV

New on Wicked Horror TV: December 12, 2022

Welcome back to What’s New on WHTV! This weekly list will update you on everything that is coming to Wicked Horror’s streaming counterpart, Wicked Horror TV. If you’re not aware, ...

New on Netflix: December 9th, 2022

Welcome back to New on Netflix! This week we have another short list featuring a private detective, a “prank” caller and an Indian true crime series. Happy viewing! See Also: 10-Years Late...