New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest genre film related additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time ...
The slasher film began to build momentum in the late ’70s and really took off in the early s80s. Halloween was a major independent success and Friday the 13th followed right on its heels an...
Celebrated British novelist and screenwriter Alex Garland (Dredd) makes his long-awaited directorial debut with Ex Machina, a stunningly-shot, beautifully-acted and puzzling sci-fi thriller that drips...
Noteworthy Heroines of Horror is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we shine the spotlight on a female character from the annals of horror history that has made a significant contribution to t...
The first two Hellraisers are widely regarded as quintessential horror movies. The first has earned its place as a classic. The second may still leave some people on the fence but it is generally...
Halloween, as a franchise, follows a fairly simple formula. Michael Myers is pretty much existing for the sole purpose of trimming his family tree. Almost every sequel sees him go after a sibling...
In this monthly series, a Wicked Horror writer presents an unpopular opinion about a particular genre offering and asks the oft-repeated question, “Is it just me?” In this installment,&n...
So, this season of Bates Motel continues to develop nicely. As we get closer to the finale there’s definitely a feeling of finality in the air. Things aren’t necessarily starting to wrap...
The zombie genre had a hugely successful run in the 1980’s. Some of the best the sub-genre ever had to offer were released during this decade. Right at the start of the decade, we had Lucio Ful...