A good horror movie is made up of good direction, acting, writing, and cinematography. A great horror movie utilizes these techniques in almost every single scene to effectively tell the sto...
Barbara Crampton is one of the most prominent actresses in the horror genre, and has been for thirty years. In campy, innovative cult classics like Re-Animator, From Beyond and Castle Freak, she manag...
In the 1980’s, makeup effects artists like Tom Savini, Stan Winston, Dick Smith, Kevin Yagher, Rick Baker and Rob Bottin were the superstars of the industry. In the 1990’s, it was KNB. Y...
Noteworthy Heroines of Horror is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we shine the spotlight on a female character from the annals of horror history that has made a significant contribution to t...
Horror and science fiction are not mutually exclusive genres. This is something that both casual and hardcore fans alike seem not to grasp, especially when it comes time to debate on of the oldest, mo...
Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer at the schedule and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime ...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the new genre additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. Normally, we’d tell you to kick back a few ...
The Scream TV series, premiering this June on MTV, could be an absolute failure. There are a lot of ways it could not work. This isn’t really a secret and, in regards to the show, it’s a...
Wes Craven wrote and directed the original A Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984, introducing the world to dream killer Freddy Krueger and ultimate Final Girl Nancy Thompson. Craven had never intended it ...