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Franck Khalfoun on i-Lived and Amityville: The Reawakening [Exclusive]

Wicked Horror recently had the occasion to chat with Franck Khalfoun about his new film i-Lived, as well as about the upcoming Amityville sequel. The director filled us in on the c...

Terminator Genisys (Spoiler Free Review)

In Terminator: Genisys, a T-800 is, once again, sent back in time to protect a young Sarah Connor. The T-800, who has been reprogrammed, must contend with the likes of the T-1000 and various...

wicked horror takes a look at ten children under the age of 16 who have took the lives of other people.

Kids Who Kill–When Innocence Turns to Evil

Adult serial killers are creepy enough, but what’s all the more jarring is kids who kill. Like something out of a horror movie, it’s unnatural and terribly frightening. We think of ...

Things Unseen: Why it’s so Hard to Adapt H.P. Lovecraft to Film

As someone entrenched in the horror genre, both in film and fiction, I get the same question a lot: “Why are there no good Lovecraft movies?” And there are, you just have to know where t...

Not Quite Horror: Stranger By The Lake (2014)

Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer at the schedule and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime ...

Gremlins 2

Gremlins 2 Nailed the Art of Self-Satire (Here’s How)

I’ll get this out of the way right up front: Gremlins 2 is one of the most underrated sequels of all time. It might not be as a good as the first film. While it’s bigger and funnier, it&...

Why Stir of Echoes is Still in the Shadow of The Sixth Sense (And Why it Shouldn’t Be)

The Sixth Sense is one of the biggest, most critically acclaimed horror movies of all time. Sure, people may now insist that they saw the twist coming from the very first scene, but you didn’t ...

Tales of Halloween Michele's top five

Frightfest 2015: Opening And Closing Films Revealed

Frightfest, the UK’s biggest and best horror festival, is set to take over the Vue Leicester Square again this August. Although the full line-up remains a closely-guarded secret, until tick...

Laymon’s Terms: Examining the Untapped Cinematic Potential of Richard Laymon

While slashers dominated the screen in the 1980’s, splatterpunk dominated the page. The movement was about going as far as possible, going to extremes to unnerve and shock the reader. Naturally...