The Dead Zone was made just as Stephen King adaptations were starting to become pretty hit or miss. People weren’t necessarily expecting each new movie taken from the author’s work ...
With less than a month to go until Frightfest takes over the Vue in Leicester Square, Joey Keogh takes a look at some of the most-anticipated movies on this year’s jam-packed schedule. First up,...
Artist Dick Starr (The Sick and Twisted Art of Dick Star) is known for his horror/pop culture mashups like Michael Myers as the Thinker and for his celebrity death polls, where he depicts a voted cele...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. All in all, this month has been pretty good with a...
Welcome back to our weekly recap. Much of the focus with this week’s episode is on the creation of “a new Emma” and that’s probably a good thing. Emma’s been an inte...
Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer at the schedule and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime ...
Camden Toy only made a handful of appearances on the massive cult television show Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, but each of those roles are ones that fans will probably never forget. His first appearance...
Wicked Horror recently had the pleasure of speaking with the talented and incredibly down to earth Bianca Kajlich (Halloween: Resurrection, Rules of Engagement) about her role in the horror ...
Aside from the incomparably creepy Lords Of Salem The Devil’s Rejects, Rob Zombie’s sequel to the infamous House Of 1000 Corpses, is easily the controversial director’s most imp...