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Making a Murderer: Was Steven Avery Framed By a Serial Killer?

Following the Netflix premier of Making a Murderer in December, there have been countless theories as to who could have killed Teresa Halbach. While many believe that Steven Avery is responsible for t...

The X-Files

Interview: X-Files Secrets from Series Creator Chris Carter

The X-Files has returned to FOX after a fourteen year break from regular, serialized television. The show has returned as a limited series event with six episodes, rather...

Anthony DiBlasi Last Shift

Exclusive Interview: Anthony DiBlasi Talks Last Shift

Anthony DiBlasi’s Last Shift was one of the best horror movies of last year. Expertly blending old-school suspense with high-intensity scares, the project was warmly received by critics and horr...

The Revenant

Not Quite Horror: The Revenant (2015)

Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still loaded with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is closer...

The Crow Remake

Why The Crow Shouldn’t be Remade (But Why I’d Still Like Another Crow Movie)

I love The Crow. I’ve loved it, bizarrely enough, ever since childhood. Sure, most people discover it as an angsty teenager and I definitely embraced it during that time as well, but as a kid I...

Martyrs - Kevin Goetz - Bailey Noble

Bailey Noble on the Martyrs Remake [Exclusive Interview]

Wicked Horror spoke with Bailey Noble (True Blood) about her role in the remake of Pascal Laugier’s French Extremity shocker Martyrs. We touched on the grueling shoot, the physica...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: January 22nd, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

Waxwork - Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

Cheesy Good Memories: The Bizarre Appeal of Vestron Pictures

Growing up in the video store days, obsessing over every title in the aisles, even if I’ve still never seen some of them to this day, I would start to notice things after awhile that most peopl...

Prince of Darkness 1987

Nostalgia in the Aisles: What Made Video Stores so Special (And Why We Mourn Them)

As an avid connoisseur of film, as someone who lives and breathes cinema, Blu-ray is excellent. Films I thought that only I loved are getting the HD treatment I never thought they would get. Thanks to...