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The Lost Boys: The Beginning 1987

The Long Evolution of the Vampire Genre (And Why It’s Nothing to Worry About)

We’re not getting many vampire movies these days. And that’s a shame. It’s not like they’ve gone anywhere, they never really do. But everything in the horror genre moves in ...

Tales from the Crypt

Why You Should be Worried About the Tales from the Crypt Reboot

So, Tales from the Crypt is coming back and I should be excited. I really should. That show was such a huge part of my youth and still holds up when I watch it as an adult. Everyone growing up in the ...


Horror in Black and White: Diabolique (1955)

Horror movies come in all shapes, sizes, and even colors. As we all eagerly anticipate the next new thing coming in genre film, it’s important that we not forget where it all started. In this se...

Christopher Lee Dracula Adaptation

Why Every Dracula Adaptation is Different (And Why That’s Great)

No two Dracula movies are the same. Considering that the character been adapted to the screen more than any other fictional being, save Sherlock Holmes, that shouldn’t come as too muc...

Puppet Master's Blade - Puppet Master

Stream and Stream Again: Whatever Happened to DTV Horror?

I can readily admit the usefulness of the streaming era. It would be foolish of me to say that things are not more practical or are not easier now. I think everyone can appreciate the immediacy of str...

in defense of the remake - dawn of the dead

Zombie Movies and Humanity’s Fascination With a Post-Apocalyptic World  

Within the horror genre, there are a seemingly endless stream of zombie movies that take place in a post-apocalyptic world. Movies such as Dawn of the De...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: April 8th, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

The Thing - Creature Comforts: The Lost Art of the Monster Movie

Creature Comforts: The Lost Art of the Monster Movie

Horror fans love monsters. That’s what got many of us into the genre as children. We love to see creatures that don’t exist, that we can imagine existing in our world. Monsters ...

Notorious serial killer Jeffery Dahmers childhood home is up for rent.

Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood Home Available for Rent!

If you’re looking for a rental during the Republican National Convention, look no further! A creepy, yet unique option is currently available.