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King Kong

Why King Kong ’76 is a Bizarre Remake (But Not a Terrible One)

King Kong may not be remembered as such, but it is one of the biggest horror movies of all time. When it hit theaters in 1933, people had not seen anything quite like it. It was full of adventure, ful...

Escape from New York

Why ‘Escape from New York’ Worked So Well Without Backstory

Escape from New York is one of John Carpenter’s best films. After the double horror hits of Halloween and The Fog, Escape from New York returned Carpenter to the sci-fi and action roots he ...

Analyzing Strange Matter With Series Creators Marty Engle and Johnny Ray Barnes Jr.

The success of Goosebumps in the 1990s led to a wave of horror titles aimed at young adults. While there were plenty of children’s and teen horror books released before the ’90s, such as D...

Ashley Laurence as Kirsty in Clive Barker's violent, 1987 S&M inspired, horror film Hellraiser.

Growing Up Kirsty: The Evolution of Hellraiser’s Heroine

Hellraiser changed the game. It was far from the first or last movie to do so, but when audiences were introduced to it in 1987, they had never seen anything like it. Of course, it had its influences,...

Night Flier - Criminally underrated Stephen king movies

Taking Flight: Looking Back on The Simplistic Brilliance of ‘Night Flier’

Stephen King’s work has always been deeply connected. And while some of the film adaptations have made a few references here and there, the features made by hardcore fans definitely made homage...

All the Colors of the Shape: Examining The Giallo Structure of ‘Halloween 5’

Halloween III showed a perfect willingness to move on from the story of Michael Myers. Producers John Carpenter and Debra Hill felt that if the franchise had to continue, the best course of action wou...

From Dusk Till Dawn

Why From Dusk Till Dawn is Still Going Strong After More Than 20 Years

More than twenty-five years ago, filmmakers Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino spun the vampire genre on its head with From Dusk Till Dawn. In that time, the film has only grown in popularity, hav...

How to Introduce Children to Horror: A Guide for Parents

Parents that enjoy that macabre may find themselves wondering how to introduce their children to the horror genre. This article focuses on exactly that. We will be making three specific recommendation...

Night of the Comet

How ‘Night of the Comet’ Made the Apocalypse Fun

“Daddy would have gotten us Uzis."